Website Review: Technorati

Why would we review a site which has the distinction of doubling its traffic in the last year? Well first off to claim this very blog on that site. Secondly I believe certain aspects of the site are useful and certain ones are definitely not. This post will be updated later with more content to boot.

  1. Gives you a rubric to measure your blogs relevance in the blogosphere.
  2. By no means all inclusive You want inclusive you need to build it yourself.
  3. Has a deceptive traffic generating tag scheme.
  4. Gives a high profile easily recognizable affiliation brand to any site.
  5. Allows for a common denominator among site of varying interest

In short Technorati is a good place to help promote your blog, but don’t expect their link references to be complete, their tag scheme to help drive traffic to your site. In short it is what it is nothing more and nothing less.
Technorati Profile


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