Down Market, Up City

The Economy sucks…

I could have just ended it there. But its true. The economy is dragging, people don’t want to spend money, primarily because they don’t have it.  Which usually helps things along.

Gas is still expensive, no matter how much ti dropped from previous highs, its still higher than it was before the last major increase. So the cycle seems to go. Raise prices until people squeak. Raise them a bit more then drop them low enough to make people feel good about themselves while only giving back 40-50% of the rate hike. So the industry went from charging $2.40 a gallon, to $3.65 around my house. Now they drop it back to $2.95 – $3.05 and I’m happy about saving money? This is the second time in 4 years this type of action has happened, and people still plug away. And that’s just one of the places people are getting hit.


We do have a ray of local exception to this trend though, not the gas we’re still getting hosed on that one. But with a successful sports franchise in your city, read The PHILLIES are in the World Series. People happy up quick, and the happier they are the more they spend. The local economy is due for a shot in the arm from tourism, people coming into the city for the games, and a general good vibe.

I honestly don’t know how to feel right now, it is an unfamiliar place to be as a Fan of Philly sports. are teams have been bad, i can deal with that. Our teams have been good, but not great, been there. And our teams have been fantastic, but flawed. This team feels different. This city finds itself feeling positive about itself for the first time in a while. As a city we have to admit we tend to be dour, and pessimistic.

Sports as an institution are supposed to entertain, and deflect the harshness of reality with a competitive diversion. The Roman coliseum was a means of mob control, are modern sports any different? Focus on the game not the economy, win the battle on the field but loose the war in your wallet.

I for one will be watching the games, distracting myself from the ton of other things out there that could cast a shadow on life. But I won’t be fooled into dropping 800 dollars to attend the event, I won’t be throwing money at the vendors for each piece of licensed memorabilia. I will be buying one pennant for my office wall, to match the 1980 Team pennant that hangs there now, & perhaps a T shirt. That’s about it. Enjoy the game people but remember if you didn’t have cash before the playoffs, a winning team is no reason to dig yourself a money hole.