Month: November 2005

  • There is no joy in Mudville

    The might eagles have fallen. Alright so I’m more than a bit late on this topic but I feel that I had to weigh in on it from a slightly different angle. Here is one thing I have a problem with professional sports. The fans, or as we shall refer to them as, the mob […]

  • Nuggets of Truth:

    I was watching this person in the car next to me the other day, and he was signing. I should have been driving, but it’s a trade off in the morning sit. I was tempted to roll through the dial to see if it was on the radio. Decided against it. I just want out […]

  • Ends are odd,

    Actually making mental notes of late to drop little tid bits into this blog see how it goes. NHL: Great new rules, love the flow of the game. Every game has the tendency to be exciting and each play letal. But enough is enough I think there should be some serious shit thrown down concerning […]

  • Odds and Ends:

    Just some random thoughts throughout my day. Gym: Why is it that when a machine is broken and you choose that machine most people stick to it, I’m not talking squeaky, which I talked about before, but actually physically broken, shit hanging off and the like? Some people just don’t know when to quit. Walking: […]

  • Fan Frustration

    If I got a quarter in every time i was dissapointed by a Philly team it might look like this… Loosing Twice in one season to dallas, 20 : 21. I can’t even believe it. Ain’;t that about a bitch. Oh well i guess McNabb should have had that surgery afterall. .Missing Picture?