Month: March 2008

  • Where are we going?

    The place have all come to know and love is no more. I might be late in saying it but if you take a look back at the internet and visualize what it was 10 years ago you will feel a cold chill creep up your spine from the dizzying heights we have attained. As […]

  • Ground Control?

    Ok so WordPress 2.5 is pretty spiffy. Still finding my way around in the spacious new confines of the Admin side of things., it looks like not to much has been changed on the user side of things. Although i am getting pretty tired of this theme. I think it fit my mood at the […]

  • Hidden Treasures, growing pains

    These tiles might be ugly but they look comfy The wife and I were giving the house its yearly spring cleaning top to bottom once over which included scrubbing floors, getting into the corners in the back of closets and the like. We just moved into this house, as our first home, in July of […]

  • A Healthy Geek

    Got to get Tough I really wanted to talk about health. Everyone out there in this fast paced world of ours is struggling to not only find time for things like twitter, social media, jobs, family, traffic, life in general but also manage to pry themselves away from the computer long enough to get a […]

  • Mr Mom, Social Media Style

    Both my wife and I work. We have one child, Paul who is 17 months old. Unfortunately since we both work, we miss out on some of of the fun of having him around all the time. This really gets to both of us on different occasions. Today i got to take a rare day […]

  • A Little Light in the Loafers

    You know, if i had to go to prison I’d want it to satisfy two conditions. First off i wouldn’t want to be put in on some silly charge or circumstantial evidence. No i’d want to be a definite interment case. If for no other reason than you’d want to be taken seriously by the […]