Month: September 2006

  • Proper Diction

    Now I’m not a stickler for grammar, pronunciation or very much when it comes to conversation. But i thought i would let non technical people in on a few secrets. The way to talk tech so that we understand. First off wipe the following terms from your lexicon, as i have discussed in my Podcast, […]

  • Every Intent

    When starting this post, or even starting to think about this post, as my traditional post episode doughnut for the mind I was hell bent on complaining loudly about the evils of the phone company, the disconnect between customers and the misconceptions about service, and how it does not mean to screw you customers, despite […]

  • The Sameness of Innovation

    In my Podcast found at i spoke for a short time concerning the problems now facing the Apple Computers design team. When the iPod was first introduced in 2001 it was a major paradigm shift in music. it was as if a new continent previously undiscovered in the musical topology had surfaced. The iPod, […]

  • The Slippery Slope of Jurice Prudence

    Perhaps its just me but the older i get the more concerned i become with the state of law in our country. Laws are no longer put in place merely to keep order, and protect citizens but they are also put into place to placate corporations, ie the Mickey Mouse Copyright saga. Or they can […]

  • Concerning Progress

    in any endeavor I would like my ultimate goal to be progress. Even the slightest glacial progress would do. Some positive motion forward on any plane, if you catch my drift. So in some respects any motion is good it does not always mean that a lot of motion is better. Take a project i […]

  • Pictures

    Ok So here is the first in what i hope to be a series of blogs about and relating to the CaffiNation Podcast. I thought i would tackle a common question i get right out of the box. What on earth do i pick some of the pictures that show up on Well frankly […]

  • Loss, and a poignant moment

    things have been rather strange of late with people i am Loosely connected to passing away. They say things come in three’s. And i know this makes me seem like even less of a logical tech when I say it but i have found it to be true more often than not over they years. […]

  • CaffiNation Rewind

    Up until this point I had been posting all of the shows cross post style this will server as notice that that will no longer be the case but rather a content related rant / post will accompany each Corresponding Caffination posting. That is to say that after every episode I’ll post something related but […]